5 Apps for Creating Beautiful Instagram Stories

Trying to bring your Instagram Story game to the next level? If you’re anything like our clients (or me), perhaps you’ve seen the most beautifully curated Instagram Story and wonder how you could possibly create something like that? Well, look no further. See below for our 5 favorite and most helpful Instagram Story apps. Whether it’s targeting potential clients, or showcasing your beautiful new home, these apps will help you create something truly memorable.

Our Top 5 Favorite Instagram Story Apps:

  1. UNFOLD: The best app to build out your Instagram Stories and see exactly how they flow together: There are a variety of frames and graphics available that bring a professional, curated look to any Story. I also love the ability to add unique GIFs stickers in-app.

  2. TEZZA: If the majority of your Story panels are videos, this app (founded by major blogger and lifestyle creator @tezza) provides cohesive video filters as well as awesome video overlay graphics.

  3. OVER is the best iOS app for importing custom fonts (that’s right, your own brand’s fonts), working from designer-worthy templates, adding animation, video templates, and highlight covers. It truly has alllllll the things to create easily and on-brand, while being consistent and cohesive.

  4. CANVA: Some people love to create from desktop, as opposed to mobile. This can make or break your workflow, but this app totally has you covered. It has numerous templates, and is amazing for planning and arranging stories straight from Desktop. Additionally, it is a collaborative software, so if you are a business and have more than one person on your team creating Story content, it’s easy to share and collaborate.

    Tip: Create your template on Desktop, then hop into the Canva app on your phone and download your Story straight from the app! Or, you can always AirDrop from Desktop to your phone, if you prefer.

  5. INSTORIES: If you want to switch things up and focus on adding more movement and animations to your Story panels, this one is perfect for you! I especially love the Digital, Film, Shop, and Paper collections.

If you’re looking for more inspiration, head over to @carlymask to check out some of my Instagram Highlights and uses of these apps!

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